
Keshet Fiction Germany is a German production company for high-quality series and films: Since October 2018, Keshet International has been operating under the label Keshet Tresor Fiction – as Keshet Fiction Germany since September 2023 – in the German fiction film productions market.

Keshet Fiction Germany focus lies on developing its own innovative, high-end material for both German and international television. The company also has complete access to the Keshet International catalogue, which is superbly suited for adaptations in today’s market. Titles include Prisoners of War, which enjoyed huge international success in its US version Homeland; The A Word, which was successfully adapted for the BBC; and other globally popular shows, including False Flag, adapted as Suspicion for Apple TV+, and When Heroes Fly, adapted for Apple TV+ as Echo 3 or Beauty and the Baker (ABC).

Keshet International enjoys an excellent reputation all over the world for its original and highly topical fiction productions. Keshet Fiction Germany brings this high quality specifically to the German market.


Christina Christ

Managing Director

Phone: +49 89 950904-801

Axel Kühn

Managing Director

Phone: +49 89 950904-13

Tina Hechinger

Executive Producer

Phone: +49 89 950904-803

Rafaela Evers

Head of Production

Phone: +49 89 950904-804

Konstantin Kühnle

Development Producer

Phone: +49 89 950904-802

Sonia Graf

Assistant Producer

Phone: +49 89 950904-804


Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

Drehstart für 'Messiah Superstar'

Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

'Der Schatten' gewinnt in New York

Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

'Der Schatten nominiert als 'Beste deutsche Krimiserie'

Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

'Der Schatten' ist nominiert für den Grimme Preis

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    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Der Schatten' in drei Kategorien für den deutschen Fernsehpreis nominiert

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Der Schatten' gewinnt Audience Choice Award

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Der Schatten' ab Juni bei ZDFneo und in der Mediathek

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'How to Dad' ab sofort abrufbar

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Dreharbeiten zu 'How to Dad' erfolgreich beendet

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Unter Freunden stirbt man nicht' ist die beste europäische Serie

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Unter Freunden stirbt man nicht' gewinnt internationalen TV Preis

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Free-TV-Premiere von 'Unter Freunden stirbt man nicht'

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    'Unter Freunden stirbt man nicht' startet am 17. Dez.

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Dreharbeiten zu 'Unter Freunden stirbt man nicht' gestartet

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Keshet Tresor Fiction produziert Serie für TVNOW und VOX

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Film- und Medienstiftung NRW fördert Keshet Tresor Fiction-Serie

    Keshet Fiction Germany GmbH

    Tresor und Keshet International gründen Fiction-Produktionsabteilung